
Posts Tagged ‘Romance’

Be With You

Well, I finished this book a few weeks ago, but I never got around to posting about it. Be With You is a book translated from Japanese. I’m too lazy to write a summary about the book, so here is the product description I found on Amazon.com:

“When Takumi’s wife suddenly returns from the grave, he can’t believe his eyes. How could such a thing be possible? Is she here to stay? Has love miraculously triumphed over death? As Takumi starts looking for answers to these questions, he discovers the secret of his wife’s appearance is somehow linked to the past…and the future.”

The book starts out rather slow, to the point where I almost gave up on it. But keep going! Eventually, the writing draws you in. The translation is simple and easy to understand, and the portrayal of Yuji, Takumi’s son, is really cute. The end is also a nice surprise and really closes the story. If the end were anything else, I don’t think I would like it as much. I’m not really into love stories like these, but I think I would recommend this to anyone who can get past the beginning.

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A few hours ago, my friend put up a post about this movie called Densha Otoko, or Train Man. So I proceeded to look it up and watch it here.

The movie is supposedly based on a true story revolving around an otaku, a Japanese term for a geek. The otaku defends a pretty young lady on a train from a drunkard, and in return she asks for his address. When he gets home, he posts on a web forum about how his train experience and nicknames himself “Train_Man.” A week later, she sends him a set of expensive Hermes tea cups. Through the advice of the other forum users, he contacts “Hermes,” as she is later nicknamed, and changes his style. Train Man is about the transformation of an otaku and the endless possibilities that he can achieve through the support of the forum and his own courage.

I really enjoyed this movie, although I am not sure how much of it is true and how much of it is exaggerated. Other than that, it is unlike many American movies I see nowadays, as the Train Man is pure and sweet. It is not like 40 Year Old Virgin, in that it goes beyond lust and trying to get laid. Although I have a few miffs with the acting, it is actually really good. Despite Train Man’s good looks after his transformation, he still manages to get the geeky personality just right. Hermes is sweet and accepting of Train Man, but she sometimes gives off an aloof feeling. Anyway, I hope I can have a cute love story too!

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